What kind of planning does outdoor fitness equipment need to do before installation So let's talk a little bit about that.
With the continuous development of urban economy, various service industries are constantly improved.
Outdoor fitness equipment is now being installed in many places, especially in residential areas or parks. So before installing outdoor fitness equipment, do we need to make a good plan The answer is yes, because the safety of citizens is at stake. Outdoor fitness equipment, installation of outdoor fitness equipment seems to be very easy, but involves a lot of things, but some people do not consider this situation, there is no way to guarantee the effectiveness of the installation. We need to think about different things that will be better for people. Before redecorating, we need to plan the entire site, really understand the specific situation, and be able to find a more correct installation method to ensure that the installation is completed smoothly.
The horizontal distance between outdoor fitness equipment and overhead high and low voltage power lines should not be less than 3 meters. The horizontal distance from the underground pipeline and the edge of the underground pipeline is not less than 2 meters, and the horizontal distance from all kinds of office buildings, residential buildings and all kinds of halls and pipes is not less than 5 meters. Where outdoor fitness equipment is required at night, the illumination should not be less than 15 lx within 2 meters from the edge of the outdoor fitness equipment.
JingAo Company is a China professional outdoor sports equipment, Outdoor Fitness Equipment factory and manufacturer. we sale Solar Power Fitness Equipment, Stainless Steel Series, Combination Fitness Equipment, Children's Amusement Equipment, Outdoor Fitness Equipment, Disabled Fitness Equipment, etc.