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Children often play amusement facilities for physical and mental health

Oct. 25, 2018

Nowadays, children's amusement parks are becoming more and more popular. Even a small playground can be built in a corner of a square, Park, supermarket, shopping mall, etc.. The children inside are laughing and happy. The following is about the physical and psychological benefits of children often playing amusement facilities.

Some children especially like to play with revolving facilities, such as carousels, swing machines, in the shaking and acceleration activities, the children's body's skeletal and neural activities are beneficial, conducive to opening up the children's neural pathways. In the up and down swing and left and right rotation process, when the child is balanced, the entire body can achieve good exercise, from top to bottom, the entire body feels particularly comfortable, as if to give the body a thorough relaxation.

The children are playing on swings, on slides, on racing cars, so that they can feel the speed, increase and decrease, and have endless fun. When the children are playing Naughty Fort, combination slide frame and other activities, they experience the collision of speed and passion. Feel the balance between Anti-Gravity and balancing activities to find the body, learn to judge the relationship between oneself and the ground, and form a concept of visual space in order to establish a sense of balance in the body.

Rotation activities: equipment has a turning horse, track small train, etc.; Most children like to hold the rotation, but some children are afraid of the rotation. This is because his brain can not adapt to the stimulation of the rotation. Therefore, when playing amusement equipment with children who are afraid of rotating, do not force them to play games that rotate too fast. Instead, they should play games that rotate in a larger arc and rotate slowly, such as taking a small rail train. It gives them the opportunity to gradually strengthen the adjustment function of the vestibular system. Children who like to rotate can let them play more of these rotational activities. As for children who particularly like to rotate, because their vestibular system is not responsive to the input of stimuli, they can allow them to sit on fast rotating things so that the dull vestibular system can obtain stronger stimuli and contribute to normalization.
